IHOPE Journal of Ophthalmology
Review Latest Developments in the field of original works and findings that contribute to the advancements in the field of ophthalmology, related to big data analysis, health economics, clinical and public health research in eye health.
Print ISSN: 2833-7026 | Online ISSN: 2831-7939
Frequency of publication: Triannual | Language of publication: English
Starting year: 2022 | Format of publication: Print + Online
The IHOPE Journal of Ophthalmology (IHOPEJO) publishes original works and findings that contribute to the advancements in the field of ophthalmology, related to big data analysis, health economics, clinical and public health research in eye health.
- Online submission
- Wider visibility through open access
- Higher impact with wider visibility
- Prompt review

About the Journal
IHOPE Journal of Ophthalmology (IHOPEJO) publishes original works and findings that contribute to the advancements in the field of ophthalmology, related to big data analysis, health economics, clinical and public health research in eye health. The journal is owned by the Indian Health Outcomes, Public Health and Economics Research Centre (IHOPE) and published by the Scientific Scholar.
Recently Published Articles
Original Article
R. Balamurugan, Phulen Sarma, Deepthi Slesser Nicodemus, Yamini Marimuthu, Upparakadiyala Rakesh
Raja Narayanan
NICE Knowledge Exchange Seminars
Kriti Shukla, Srobana Ghosh
Abstracting and Indexing Information
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Google Scholar, CrossRef, ReadCube, Portico